I collaborated with the Level Designer and the Art Lead from Dromund Kaas team. The idea for the level came from a section I did on Dromund Kaas. The Art Lead like it so much, that we used this idea to fill in a pre-propped level that needed a theme in the game. So we merged ideas together to come up with the scene pictured below. I also worked on Belsavis, Quesh, Voss, and Hoth.
Added all the trees, rocks, textures, flowers and plant props.
Carved into the terrain to make all the paths for the character to travel.
Used the Hero Blade engine tools to paint the textures, flowers to push and pull the terrain into the ground.
Added water planes and particles to make it look like it splashes against the rock. While also adding the fog to the level to set the mood for the theme.
Replaced the original props with in-game working props. Such as the water planes had to be switched out with functional in-game water planes. Some of the buildings had to swapped out with pre-lit functional buildings. Other things I had to do was placed functional trees that swayed with linked animation.
Making sure level horizons had depth.